Meeting:                     Governance Committee

Date:                           25 June 2024

Title:                           Appointments to Outside Bodies: East Sussex Fire Authority

By:                              Assistant Chief Executive

Purpose of Report:   To appoint a Councillor as a Council Representative to the East Sussex Fire Authority.




The Governance Committee is recommended to agree the appointment of Councillor Peter Pragnell to the East Sussex Fire Authority until the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year.



1.         Background Information


1.1        The County Council is invited to appoint members (in some cases non-county

councillors are eligible) to serve on a wide range of outside bodies. Appointments are normally made for the lifetime of the County Council.  In the case of appointments being

made now the term will be to the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year unless otherwise indicated, although in most cases it is open to the County Council to change its representation at any time by resolution.


1.2       In appointing members to some outside bodies, places on committees must be allocated to political groups in proportion to the number of seats on the Council held by each group, unless there is agreement, without dissent, that the provisions of the Act should not be applied.


1.3       The political balance provisions apply to the East Sussex Fire Authority. The Authority has 12 members of the County Council and 6 members of Brighton & Hove City Council. The allocation of seats was reviewed following the by-elections in July and August 2023 and were agreed by Full Council in October 2023 as set out below:  


Conservative – 6

Liberal Democrat – 3

Labour – 1

Green - 1

Independent Democrat - 1

Independent  – 0


1.4       In May 2021 Councillor Roy Galley was appointed to the East Sussex Fire Authority. Councillor Roy Galley was recently appointed as Chairman of the Council at the Annual General Meeting in May 2024 and as such has resigned from the East Sussex Fire Authority. The Conservative Group has indicated that they wish Councillor Peter Pragnell to take his place.


2.         Conclusion and recommendations


2.1       The Committee is asked to agree to the appointment of Councillor Peter Pragnell to the East Sussex Fire Authority until the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year.




Assistant Chief Executive


Contact officer:          

Georgina Seligmann

Tel: 01273 4823555


Local Member: All


Background Documents: None